Saturday, May 19, 2007

Only If Your Are 18 And Above Do Visit This Site.Especially To Those Who Love Too Party.

Death On 5/19/2007
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Friday, May 18, 2007

Click on the link...This Link while tell you on the where abouts on doing online advertising
and more....Do some earning more....Notice once u entered the site...Theres a link too emailcashpro on the center top....So do Sign up yeah....


Death On 5/18/2007
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Evidence Ketat Muahaha....

Death On 5/18/2007
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Thursday Nite + Plan A+Plan B+Plan C = Still Blur ~_~

-=-x First off all...the one's who were in the picture are Aby , Frost , Blade,Dek + s0me xtras hahak...Orite lets start the st0ry....

0n 17-05-2007,Fr0st plan'd to g0 The Living Room Near Bar None....We tot it was a club...But S0me how it turned out to be a chill-out pub plan'd fur Bar None since its near too The Living Room....And Since Frost Know the Big Time Manager Ther s0 why nurt we give it a try....We then waited fur Fr0st outside fur Frost to Come Out with The manager but s0mehow he c0uldn't find Him...And he tot that that the legal age fur enterin Bar None iz 18 and ab0ve fur guys...s0 Dek,Blade and Myself c0nfidently show our i.c tu the near-by bouncer...we were surprised when he told us tt the age limit fur guys was 25 and above hahak....Damn...hahak...Mabok nyer fRost...he tot it was a we plan'd t0 head fur ktv Party World at Somerset....hahak...we went to the admins...the chart stated tt its $16 per hour rate...s0 we decided tu head fur Vintage after checkin out the price...cause we had not made any decisions...s0 fRost Flicked a Coin tu Decide on where we are heading....two choices...tails = vintage rock bar,heads = Ktv PArty we ended up goin tu Vintage Rock B.a.r.....Orite heres another best n interesting part....hehehe....We arrived cuppage and we started l0okin f0r the Vintage Rock it was MentioNed By Aby.....So as we went in...he seemed so lost...and what he could tell was tt the last time he was ther...he was drunked....hahahk...we asked the security....and the security told us it was on the third fl0or...when we got on the third fl0or...we found no sign of The vIntage Rock Bar....s0 we decided to ask some near-by peeps...n 0ne off all we asked told tt Vintage was already been replaced over by T.G. a chinese karaoke lounge...hahak....tts a big f.u.c.k down the corridor....hahak...then next we sat infront of the elevator thinking n still plannin wat t0 do next....and walla this old chap-Blade-got a n0nsense idea....hehe...he went up fr0m level to level in the elevator....haha...we eventually left the scene and after it all we saw him on the first floor in front of the cuppage entrance sitting agains the wall with his pity face try to contact us n was wonderin wher we are....hahak...he's emo-ing orite hahak...we then shouted fr0m the over head bridge which iz connected to the mall...hahak...we could see the shine on his mouth after we called him up.....hahahak...we could see it beta in the dark decided tu head back tu party world ktv...since we had checked the price...*remember*$16 per hour rate*....We went in to the admin and asked how much is the r0om for 7 ppl...n what he t0ld us iz tt it c0st us fuckin $156 big time d0ll0rs where we d0nt even have at least a hundred in our hand hahak....wat a breaking news of the millineum....and then....we decided tu chill s0mewher we called nEoN....a place tu chill fur uz nurt u guys hahak....its confidential hehe...s0 we grabbed tila tequila...ooppps....tequila i mean....and tw0 diet c0ke mixture....and headed fur the sp0t n frum ther 0n we shared the stupid Big Walk extravagenza fur the extra0dinary peeps like uz....Wierd though....Sad bUt tRue....Hurhur hahak....till then we had gr8 time drinking...n c0ock games + emo stuff AGAIN n thnx tu Blade fur the re-enactment fur the emo thingy hahak....he could win an oscar fur tt hahak....big time....thnks fur fr0st fur the l0ng walk....s0 sweet of u....hahak....shud hold hands with him hahak....fuckin gay sia....t0 all th0se attended this higrah walk we shud do this again hahak....lots of love=lol hahahahak.....till then words of advice frum Aby....Bang Bang!!

Death On 5/18/2007
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Party @ Cafe Del Mar
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Words that could discribe this party are tremendous,exploited,gruesome,happening....and who makes it happen?.....Dosage!....yeah this peeps makes it all happens...after drinking sessions...we had some step-steps then off to the pool....*kab0oosh*...One by one were bein push by some....and im one off them....hahak...either one will do...while some got themselves wet by getting wet t-shirt squeezed over their head hahak...eventually they went in by force hahak....*spLash*....soaked soaked soaked.....i got there in a wrong suit hahak...supposed to wear a beach wear instead im in my casual smart wear...n im drenched in my full suit hahak...damn shivering in my outfit while going home....its the craziest nite....cause its the first time-i guess-that who's going community had a beach party like this...Anything justt check out the links aites....especially the events and who's going hehe

*KrIng*KrIng*....i betta get the call b4....*tooot*toooot*toooot*

Death On 5/16/2007
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The World of Virtual Gambling
Monday, May 14, 2007

First there was virtual reality and now there is virtual gambling. It seems like the world is slipping into a world where everything is virtual and possible. Nevertheless, virtual gambling has proven to be one of the most favorite past time of people, regardless of class and gender.

The concept of gambling is not a new and modern term in the world. In fact, gambling has long existed for almost 2,000 years. Of course the things at stake back then were not money. Just like the other industries, gambling also underwent a lot of changes and now, in the world of computers, virtual gambling seems to be its latest form. Let’s clarify first the term “virtual”. Virtual is often defined as something that is almost real but nevertheless an illusion but this is not the case for virtual gambling. This is because virtual gambling and the players here are real and also the stakes are real thus the normal classification of virtual does not apply in this case. Virtual in virtual gambling just represents the term “online” or “internet”. It means that instead of the traditional gambling wherein a person would go to casinos or even Las Vegas to gamble, people could now enjoy gambling to their hearts content care of virtual gambling in the comfort of their own homes.

There are so many choices in the world of virtual gambling and a person could actually have a headache in just making a choice of which type of virtual gambling would they indulge in the moment. A person could literary have different types of virtual gambling everyday! Traditional games in gambling are available in virtual gambling. These include casino games, pokers, roulette, slots, card games, blackjack, and the like. There are so many choices in the market and I bet that you won’t have a hard time finding one. The only problem that a person could have is finding the perfect one for them and also in choosing that “one”.

Aside from the traditional games in virtual gambling, new and innovative forms of gambling are also available online. These include reality TV shows, world cups, Saturday matches and the weather. It seems like everything could be in the virtual gambling world as long as there is someone to bet and of course, the money at stake.

Virtual gambling is also considered a safe and fun environment for gambling because it is very hard to cheat online. The mysterious façade of the entire player adds to the allure and temptation of virtual gambling. There are also free virtual gambling sites and there are also sites which require you to pay. The best way to know which virtual gambling site appeals to you is to try it. After all, trying would eventually mean learning. Customizing is one of the best features of virtual gambling because it makes sure that the players and its customers are satisfied with the gambling service and features offered in virtual gambling.

No longer would people have to stay late in casinos just to gamble because people nowadays are opting to stay late in front of their monitors. Virtual gambling just proves that gambling has certainly joined in the industrialized world of today. For people that have gambling in their bloods, virtual gambling is a very convenient, easy, and varied option for them.

Still More to Come-x=:


Death On 5/14/2007
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Boring Sunday Iz Here
Sunday, May 13, 2007

Do y0u like StayIn aT h0me wIth nuttin beta t0 d0?...If y0u Are b0red do contact me at 81552609....0r my MsN or My friendster im als0 l0okin fur a beta j0b in life b4 my national service calls....what kinda j0b y0u guys r in n0w?....s0metimes w0rkin y0ur ass 0ff d0 help....but d0in it all the time wit0ut spendin time on ur love means n0 life ...s0 d0 c0ntact me up 0r d0 the shut up haha


Death On 5/13/2007
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